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It is a wonderful legacy that we have inherited and which we steward; a part of good stewardship is supporting the church with our time, our energy and our money.

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Pledging for our community

It costs over €150,000 a year to keep Holy Trinity running and thriving. This does not include additional money that also has to be raised for important ongoing maintenance and enhancement of church property.


Holy Trinity does not receive any financial support from the Anglican Church in the UK. To fund our mission, Holy Trinity has always depended on donations, legacy gifts and earned income from our assets.


Thank you for being a part of our Holy Trinity community. We are the church and we open it to the world to share. It is only through your generosity that Holy Trinity can continue to flourish as a chaplaincy, now and in the future.





What is Annual pledging?

Annual pledging is about deciding how you can support the church in the way of money, time and talents during the year. An annual pledge differs from other charitable contributions as it is both a spiritual practice and a practical way to support the life and work of the church.

Why Pledge?

Ideally, everyone who attends Holy Trinity, whether regularly or periodically, will fill in a pledge card so that we know what funds and talents will be available during the year. Gifts of all sizes are meaningful and contribute to the health of the church. Your pledge form helps us know how you plan to be involved in our church community both financially and in other ways.

How do I Pledge?

Holy Trinity members are encouraged to complete a Pledge Form which tells how much you plan to give during the year, and if you would like to volunteer in some capacity. The pledge form also enables you to say if you plan to include Holy Trinity Nice as a beneficiary of your will, life insurance or other asset (making you a member of the 1822 Legacy Society). Pledge forms are also available on the front table in the church. You can return your completed pledge form in an envelope in the Sunday collection plate, or scan and email a copy to church Treasurer, Ann Connors (, or mail a hard copy to Church Treasurer, Holy Trinity Nice, 11 rue de la Buffa, 06000 Nice, France. Whenever possible, we urge you to give money through a regular bank debit as explained in the Donate page, which provides information about the church's French and UK accounts and has a link to the PayPal donate button for single or regular contributions."​

How can my gift be made tax-efficient?

For those who receive UK taxed income, we can provide a form to claim additional 'Gift Aid' for us. We can also provide a receipt and form so French taxpayers can claim a tax rebate.

How much should I/we Pledge?

Giving is an individual or family decision. Listen to your heart and to the Holy Spirit.



For further information or if you have any questions please contact Ann Connors, Treasurer (





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