Our Worship
We are part of the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe and the world-wide communion of Anglican churches. Our congregation is made up of people from many different Christian traditions and from all across the world who value being part of an English-speaking worshipping community.
Our church services
Worship at Holy Trinity is centred on celebrating the Eucharist. Our main weekly service is at 11.00 am every Sunday and usually lasts about an hour. In general from Tuesday to Friday there is Angelus and Morning Prayer at 9.00 am and also a Said Eucharist at 11.00 am on Thursdays. For up-to-date service times, check our Calendar of Religious Services below which includes services for both Holy Trinity Nice and St Hugh's Vence.
Join us
If you are a visitor and receive Holy Communion in your own church, you are warmly invited to receive Communion at Holy Trinity. However, if you feel unable to do so, please come to the altar at the time of communion and receive a blessing.
Everyone is invited to refreshments after the Sunday service which are served outdoors in the garden, weather permitting, or in the church hall. This opportunity to meet and mingle is important to our community.
Calendar of Religious Services
For Holy Trinity Nice and St Hugh's Vence